Do You Think Gospel-Based Activities Are Boring?

You know, I have to admit, I don’t understand people that say gospel-based activities are boring. Gospel-based would be discussions about the scriptures, the church, Jesus Christ, etc. Basically, anything that strengthens our personal testimonies.

All the Relief Societies I’ve ever been in feel like they have to entertain the sisters rather than feed them anything “churchy.” I’ve seen a lot of leaders almost embarrassed or even apologizing for having a “serious” activity, instead of fun and games.

The real tragedy is those in charge of lessons and activities have weak testimonies themselves. I’ve actually listened to teachers and leaders tell us what the prophets say we should be doing, and later admit to everyone that they themselves aren’t willing to do it.

I believe President Nelson’s messages are coming in loud and clear. We need to have more gospel in our lives, or we will miss our boat and it will finally be too late. It’s time to really take a look at our testimonies.

This week’s General Conference Odyssey covers the October 1981, Sunday morning session. I have chosen to write about Bruce R. McConkie’s talk. Please don’t let this post become a snooze-fest. He speaks of things that are crucial to our salvation and we need to hear it now.

He says, “What then is our message for all (wo)men?” And then he breaks it down into three truths:

  • The divine Sonship of Christ
  • The divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith
  • The truth and divinity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Then he asks some really insightful questions:

  • Do I hunger and thirst after righteousness as did the Saints of old?
  • Do I have an open mind and a willingness to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good?
  • Am I willing to receive new light and truth from heaven?
  • Do I have the moral courage to learn whether Joseph Smith was called of God?
  • Am I willing to pay the price of investigation and gain a personal revelation that tells me what I must do to gain peace in this world and be an inheritor of eternal life in the world to come?

Next year, things are going to change drastically. And to be honest, we really don’t have time to fumble, like we did this last year. I have a feeling President Nelson is going to be throwing more curve balls at us and we might stumble ourselves right off the strait and narrow path.

If our mission covers those three divine truths, our vision should be in preparing us to meet our Savior in every activity, every lesson, and everything we do. And, aren’t we done talking ABOUT how to prepare. Our discussions should be about HOW WE ARE PREPARING.

Answer the above questions honestly. Commit yourself to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I testify that when you have found your answers, you aren’t going to think gospel discussions are boring anymore. You aren’t going to vote for another dinner/game activity night. You’re going to want to be involved in changing lives in order to be prepared for the biggest, most exciting, gathering ever given on this earth: The Coming of the Savior of the World.