A Circle of Sisters

Relief Society has been going on for 150+ years, and it (we) have accomplished great things.  We have always had great women among us.  Okay, let’s clarify that, all of us have value and the capability to do great things.  I do believe some of us need more help than others to draw that realization out, but it is most definitely there in all of us.

Sis. Thompson said, in her recent talk at the General Relief Society Meeting, “Sisters, now more than ever, we need women to step up and be strong.  We need women who declare the truth with strength, faith, and boldness.  We need women to set an example of righteousness.  We need women to be ‘anxiously engaged in a good cause.’  We need to live so that our lives bear witness that we love our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ and that we will do what They have asked us to do.  We need to rescue ‘all that is finest down deep inside of [us]’ so that as daughters of God we can do our part to build the kingdom of God.  We will have help to do this.  As Joseph declared,” If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.”

The most important phrase in this paragraph is—we need.

First of all, all of us need to feel needed.  All of us have gifts and talents, discovered, as well as undiscovered.  When we are asked to do things, don’t we respond eagerly, flattered that anyone would think us capable, happy to be a part of things?  Yes, some of us are asked to do too much, our reputation may precede us, and maybe we like the spotlight.  But so many sisters are not thought of and are overlooked.  So many capable, yet quieter sisters, need to be given opportunities to stretch themselves and see for themselves what they are capable of.

Second of all, we need every sister.  We have a big job to do: to bring the world Jesus Christ’s truth; to bring the world out of darkness, that mankind may be saved; to motivate people to love themselves because we first can love them.  We need every sister to feel needed because we need their talents and gifts.  In too many wards, there are just a few women doing everything.  We need to give opportunity to everyone, that our force of women may grow bigger and stronger, for we are all capable.

Sis. Thompson continues, “We can be a righteous army of women armed with love, compassion, kindness, service, and faith. We can be a mighty force for good in this world. Then we will be what President Packer describes: ‘The Relief Society might be likened to a refuge—the place of safety and protection. . . . You will be safe within it. It encircles each sister like a protecting wall.’  We must have this place of safety and protection!”

Relief Society leaders should always be asking their sisters what their hobbies are, what their interests are, what they have training in.  This can be done during visits, activities, hanging out in the hallway, any time.  Follow up with your mental list by using your “resources” to fulfill the further needs of your sisters.  Create a circle where sister’s needs are fulfilled by sisters.  Use everyone.  If something fails or doesn’t go well, modify and try again.  But do not avoid using any of your sisters.  You, as a leader, have the choice experience of helping a sister bloom where she is planted, grow into a spectacular individual, become what God has designed her to be.

Prepare and teach your army of sisters to love and need one another.