Watchers, Hearers, and Doers

While happily ensconced in my reading of the Women’s Exponent, I happened upon this short little disturbing tidbit in an 1873 issue:

“Pres. Grant refused to loan the Reserve Fund of $44 million to the Wall Street Bankers, because it would be illegal.  His view of the matter is a praiseworthy one.” ( Nov 1873, Women’s Exponent)

For those of you not aware (and I wasn’t), there was a financial crisis, just as bad, if not worse, than the well known 1929 Crash, in the fall of 1873.  It was caused by a fast growing housing market that got out of hand.  And it lasted for four years.

There are several articles circulating the Internet that may be of interest:

These are just a few, but you get the idea.

We know the United States has survived financial crisis before.  We know it takes time to pull out, and there are hard times ahead.  We also know (or believe strongly) that the United States is a rich country, able to withstand its own problems.  After all, this is the Promised Land, and we are meant to rescue the world.

In 1873, Brigham Young was adamant about the Salt Lake Valley being self-sustaining.  He was putting people (mostly women, mind you) in charge of areas where commerce would be within the “Mormon borders”.  The famous Mormon motto, “Mind your own business” meant leave us alone, for we don’t need you judging us or messing with our ways.  Brigham’s way was We Take Care Of Our Own.

First of all, I believe, as women, we need to know what’s going on in our country.  We need to know the bad and the good.  We need to be aware of the choices that we must make, or the choices that will be put upon us.

Second of all, I believe we need to actively listen and do what the prophets have been telling us, if we haven’t already.  We need to be self-sufficient in all aspects of our lives.  If we are dependent on anyone or anything, we need to have a backup plan that keeps us free.

The United States is not going to be around forever.  There are men in high places who will see to that, in one shape or form.  If you read through 3 Nephi, you will get a good view of what we will be seeing in our own time.  Tribes will be the order of the day; every man for himself; nothing and no one safe.  We may not be there yet, but it is our responsibility to not be caught unawares.  We are lucky to have wake up calls.  We are lucky to have time on our side.  We are lucky to hear the words of a common sense prophet who urges obedience, not panic.

But may we be watchers, hearers, and doers.