I’ve selected what I think are the greatest concerns we, as women of the church, should be focusing on.  I realize this is a bold statement and I welcome any additions to this list.  But if you agree with me, please comment and share your experiences.  I am posting them as separate goals, and they are not in any particular order, because I feel they are all equally important.
This is an area we are naturally good at, and much good has come from various projects we’ve all participated in.
I’ve heard of lots of community groups out there doing good, but typically they will focus on one type of project or one area of service.  They can’t afford to spread themselves thin, because of their small numbers.
There are over 5 million of us and we live everywhere in the world.  We can afford to cover any number of projects and areas of service.  Each ward and stake can focus on their own humanitarian project.  As well, each ward and stake can handle their own welfare projects.  We have an immense capacity to perform good works that can touch every walk of life.
We are truly a –Relief—Society when we bring relief to neighbors from around the corner to those around the world.  Over the many years we’ve been doing this, our organization and experience is met with awe and inspiration.
Humanitarian services will never end; it will never not be needed.  How lucky are we to have done this enough that we actually set the standard for the world.  This is an area that we have pretty near perfected.  Yet, there is still much work to be done.  Projects should be ongoing.
The Relief Society is not just a Sunday lesson.  We are a force to bring relief to the world, comfort to the weary, and hope to the hopeless.