Our Prophets Have Spoken

Our prophets really have spoken to us.  We just forget what they’ve said.  I occasionally go through lds.org searching for particularly appropriate talks that might be significant to us as Women of God.  Be sure to check my References Page where I list the talks that I find.  I find many of my quotes from these talks as well. 
Our leaders love us; they’ve warned us; they tell us what we need to hear.  We probably should be listening better.  Thanks to the Internet, we now can go back and read all of this good information.  In fact, it just occurred to me, I might as well start going through all Ensign articles.  I know there have been great marriage articles over the years, great interviews, and family activity ideas that can still be very helpful to all of us.
The Good News is that Jesus Christ has not left us alone, but has saved us to bring us home.  Carrying on with this idea the Church also has not left us alone.  The Church provides countless aids to give us the help we need to raise our families, urge us through our trials, inspire us to overcome, build us when we feel small, teach us true principles, allow us to help one another, and more ideas than we can use in a lifetime.
Keep an eye on my Reference Page.