
Here’s the bottom line—Women are different from Men.  We feel differently about things.  We think differently.  Our needs are different.  Our emotions run on different levels…completely.

For women, Modesty is a universal problem.  For men, the difficulty is Pornography.

For some reason, women cannot get enough of wanting to look sexy.  We are surrounded with media that would flaunt every aspect of the female body, and we buy into it repeatedly.  Pornography is a growing crisis that complements Modesty, interestingly enough.  The more women parade themselves, the more men justify their twisted behavior.

While the women should concentrate on modesty issues, men should be talking, amongst themselves, about pornography.  Leaders need to be bold, blunt, and forthright.

There is a lot we, as mothers, can do to help our boys and men.  Certainly, the way we dress is of utmost importance.  The Internet is rampant, and too easily available.  All home computers should be in a public area with a password ONLY THE MOTHER should know.  Turn the TV off.  Check cell phones.  Talk to one another about EVERYTHING.  Mothers should keep their eyes open and refuse to be blinded by a sweet smile or an innocent look.  Set boundaries and follow through with love.

We can’t play dumb anymore.  We can’t ignore what is all around us.  We can’t presume any of this will never touch us, or our loved ones.
Since pornography isn’t seasonal, only progressive, interviews are of the utmost importance (Fathers, Home Teachers, YM Leaders, anyone who cares for the boy).   As mothers, we can really help by “raising the bar” within our families.   The influence of a righteous woman will be felt in her own home.

The Priesthood session is where the Brethren often get blasted for this problem of pornography.  The fact that our men hold the Priesthood (the power of God), they are under greater condemnation, than the women, when they forsake this responsibility.  All women should read these talks, so we can hear the warnings, and be aware of ways we can help our men; and use caution ourselves.  The best help of all is to review Elder Dallin H. Oaks words, “Young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you.”

Women, do not become pornography.  Men, train yourselves to look away.

Note:  There are far more talks, from the Brethren, about this one topic than anything else.  A simple search of “Pornography”, on, will give you all the warnings you need.