
What is the world teaching our children about marriage?  Nothing and many things, and it is all very confusing.

Marriage is happening later in life than ever before: on average in the late 20’s.  The world seems to feel this age is better because typically you are through with school and you’ve had enough time to “play around”, now you can settle down and perhaps be satisfied.

The world speaks nothing of self-control, moral values, religious allegiance, family wholeness, or accountability.  The view is strictly self-gratification.  Our youth and young adults have a serious dilemma, and yet, many amazingly win the battle.

There are still a few religions out there condoning abstinence, but their reasoning is sometimes vague and faulty.  No one seems to know, or care, what God thinks of this lifestyle, let alone the jeopardy we place ourselves when it comes to salvation.

Those of us who have been through the temple understand that this issue is much bigger than a mere worldly perspective.  The gift of procreation, and all it encompasses, is eternal in nature, godly in form, and infinite in potential.  Those who seek immediate gratification do not understand this boundless gift, which will slip through their fingers, never to be offered again.

With love in our voices, and fear set aside, we must boldly raise the standard of purity, of virtue, of spotlessness.  These banners must envelop the integrity of those valiant spirits just coming of age in a world that would steal them away and destroy them.

Lessons need to be taught in a forthright manner, with testimony and confidence, to live the standards in the For Strength of Youth pamphlet.  Our youth need to be raised with self-assurance, to know who they are and what they are capable of becoming, so their desire is not to settle for the world’s measly offerings.

Our world is troubled, destructive, and difficult to live in, yet there are lifestyles that can counter much of the human waste and degradation experienced by so many.  Living the commandments brings relief and true happiness in a world that would take away your hope.  Discipline in all areas is protection against unhappiness, disease, prison, and misery.  Education raises you above the struggle of poverty and a deficient life.  Humility assures a life of peace, freedom, and an ability to reach out to others.  Spirituality leads to Godhood.

Our youth can’t be afraid to marry, but they need to prepare well for it.  Our youth can’t be afraid to start a family upon that marriage, but again they have to prepare well for it.

Enrichment classes don’t just belong to Relief Society.  Think of how such training classes could help our youth in the life ahead of them:

Financial prowess– How to make money doing what you love–How to get along with anyone–How to get a job, keep a job, and work hard–The worth of Patience–Raising your personal standards toward happiness—Good grades, good education, and graduation allows for an interdependent life–Dating is fun, but marriage is the goal–Know your commandments and live them well–Commitment is not a bad word–Responsibilities really can flow like honey–A life well lived is worth the sacrifice.   You get the idea…

It seems to me entertaining our youth with parties, socials, dances, and the like is a great disservice.  Preparing them for the world they face (always keeping things fun, of course) will help them carry out their valiant nature.  This is the chosen generation, after all.  Our job is to help them, encourage them, teach them, and allow them the chance to succeed.