My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures

These thoughts are taken from two different talks with the same title. Sis. Julie B. Beck, First Counselor in the YW General Presidency (at the time), gave her talk in May 2004 and Sis. Cheryl C. Lant, General Primary President, gave her talk in Nov. 2005.

Both talks give us important and inviting thoughts on incorporating scripture reading into our lives and our family’s lives. Sis. Lant says something I think is very important: “The knowledge I have gained (from pondering the scriptures) gives me guidance and direction. I have the confidence born out of obedience.” We can all use more confidence. Having more confidence to obey gives us determination to do the work of the Lord without fear. She continues, “As I ponder the scriptures, something happens to me. I have a stronger desire to live close to my Heavenly Father. I long to serve Him. I want to live the principles that I learn in the scriptures, and as I do, my heart “writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children.”

Speaking to the Young Women, Sis. Beck says, “You will be the mothers and leaders who will help prepare the next generation with gospel understanding and testimony. Your children will be men and women of faith who will continue to build the kingdom of God on the earth because of what you teach them from the scriptures.” This is a statement for all women: mothers of young children, mothers of teenagers, grandmothers, primary and young women teachers, anyone who walks, lives, and breathes, because we are teachers.

If we read the scriptures, then ponder them, we will begin living them. The words spoken by prophets of old will influence the choices we make, making our very lives better. Sis. Lant quotes President Hinckley when he promised “an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God.”

Sis. Beck encourages every woman to be a gospel doctrine instructor in her own home. Every sister needs to use knowledge gained from the scriptures to raise her children and anyone she comes in contact with. “If you have not already developed the habit of daily scripture study, start now and keep studying in order to be prepared for your responsibilities in this life and in the eternities.”

Everyone has their own way of marking scriptures. Sis. Beck offers some suggestions. She buys a new set of scriptures when she receives a new calling and looks for scriptures that can help her in that calling. Paper tabs identify favorite verses about repentance and the Atonement, which can be readily available to ponder during the sacrament. She often makes notes about what she learns, sometimes in her scriptures, sometimes in a notebook.

“When I start reading [a new Book of Mormon], I make notes in the margins…I draw lines to connect ideas. I shade verses and underline key words. When I find ideas that relate to each other, I make a scripture chain to link those ideas. I like to think of my scriptures as a workbook…I start looking for questions that the Lord asks US in the scriptures…I keep a list of these questions in the back of my scriptures.” Sis. Beck can ponder any of these questions when she has a minute or two.

Scriptures aren’t always handy. Memorizing certain teachings or passages allows you to think upon those ideas at any time. Reciting the Articles of Faith, or other memorized verses, allows you to ponder and be enlightened with new ideas while stuck in traffic.

Leading children to the scriptures is the best gift a parent can give a child. “How blessed is the child whose parents base their lives on the teachings in the scriptures! There is absolutely nothing more important we can do for our families than to strengthen them in the scriptures.

Parents, call your families together to read the scriptures, and work to make it possible in your busy family schedules.” Sis. Lant’s plea is for the children’s sake.

Sis. Beck encourages us to keep studying; never stop. “Through my scripture reading and the prayers that accompany my study, I have gained knowledge which brings me peace and helps me keep my energies focused on eternal priorities. Because I started reading the scriptures daily, I have learned about my Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and what I need to do to be like Them. I have learned about the Holy Ghost and how to qualify for His companionship. I have learned about my identity as a daughter of God. Essentially, I have learned who I am, why I am here on earth, and what I should be doing with my life.

I add my testimony to theirs. The scriptures are the word of God and we can all delight in the beauty of the Spirit that teaches us the meaning of these words. Let our hearts ponder and increase in light and knowledge. And may we teach these truths to our children.