RS President Challenge

I am inviting Relief Society Presidents to take on the following challenge.  I just want to see if it would work.  Is anyone game?  If you are…you just need a two-month block of time to see it through.  Please get back to me with your results.

Please read through the following talks from Julie B. Beck:

  • Fulfilling the Purpose of Relief Society, Nov 2008
  • Focusing on the Lord’s Work of Salvation, Mar 2009
  • Relief Society: A Sacred Work, Nov 2009
  • Studying the Work of Relief Society, Jan 2010

I believe she is pulling us into a new direction of procedure, in accomplishing our purposes.  Through personal revelation, she wants us to figure out how to move forward within our own wards.  The following suggestion will help you coordinate goals, activities, meetings, and unity.

Here it is:

1)      Decide, with your Bishop, ONE goal you feel your ward needs to focus on.

a)      Make it measurable and short term (something you can see results in two months time)

b)      Attach a doctrine to this goal

2)      Use the Fast Sunday Presidency Lesson

a)      Do not prepare a lesson

b)      Instead, introduce the goal and doctrine  (keep it short and strong)

c)       Open up discussion so sisters can suggest meetings and activities that will help complete the goal.  Realistically plan TOGETHER what everyone is willing to do for the goal, write it on the board, ask for a commitment of involvement, and use as many of their ideas, gifts, and talents as you can.  End this part of the meeting with something concrete the sisters can go home and practice, or look forward to, during the coming month as they unify to meet the goal (whether as a group of sisters or individually)

d)      Use the remainder of the time for testimonies by starting with your own

3)      During the month, talk about the goal

a)      Encourage the sisters to discuss the goal amongst themselves, at home, and in all meetings

b)      Implement the ideas that were discussed together through additional meetings, activities, and challenges, that will help the sisters fulfill the goal

c)       Encourage RS teachers to incorporate discussion of the goal in the lessons they teach

d)      Use emails, or a newsletter, to share quotes, encouragement, reminders, as needed

4)      Fast Sunday Presidency Lesson (2nd Month—It’s important that counselors get to show unity and solidarity in this goal as they, in turn, conduct)

a)      Do not prepare a lesson, again.  Restate doctrine of goal

b)      Open up a discussion where sisters can share personal experiences, suggestions, etc.  Keep things focused on the goal, and positive.  If someone is struggling, listen, love, support, as sisters, and offer hope

c)       Discuss other meetings and activities (or repeat as needed) to have during the next month

d)      Testify of the value of achieving this goal.  Encourage your sisters to express their feelings and testimony of how the goal is affecting their lives personally.  This is a great place to share the joys of achievement and fulfillment

5)      Continue encouraging sisters throughout the month with reminders, sharing, activities, etc.

6)      Fast Sunday Presidency Lesson (3rd Month—build on your unity as a presidency)

a)      Do not prepare a lesson, again.  Discuss the blessings and promises of the goal

b)      Share results of the goal.  Evaluate how the goal was accomplished, together, as sisters

c)       Testify to one another

d)      Suggest another goal if you wish and start all over again, using each Fast Sunday to plan, teach, unify, and evaluate with one another

e)      Invite the Bishopric to see your accomplishment so they can receive feedback from the sisters

In your analysis:

  • Did the sisters cooperate long enough to actually arrive at the goal?
  • If it didn’t work, what opinions did you see or hear?
  • If it did work, did everyone get involved, or was it just the same few active sisters that typically jump in?  What efforts were made to involve everyone (including Primary and YW workers)?
  • Was the Bishop interested and supportive of what you were doing?
  • Did you witness an increase in sister involvement, communication, love, and unity?

Well, there it is.  Just for the sake of example, here are some goals you may want to pursue.  Remember, your goals should come as a result of discussions with the Bishop.  Sis. Beck suggests we consider  Faith,  Family,  and Service  as areas of focus.  If you really start thinking, you will come up with hundreds of worthy goals.   Evaluating the success of the goal is the most important thing in this challenge.  These are big goals with various focal points that could be either separated into smaller goals or divided up into manageable parts, tackled in step ladder fashion.  Be sure to set a measurable goal with a deadline, so you can see your accomplishments, and be energized.

1)      Have regular FHE, Family Scripture Reading, Family Prayer, and Family Council

a)      Make FHE job charts together, share lesson ideas, and activities

b)      Facilitate various groups to get together for unique family situations

c)       Ask the Primary children and Youth to come into Relief Society meeting and share what their family is doing

2)      Complete 100% Visiting Teaching

a)      No guilt trips allowed!

b)      Your objective is to have the entire ward sit down with every adult member of the ward to evaluate how needs can be fulfilled, and report, so appropriate love can be ministered

The Presidency should go out and visit.  Form a welcoming committee to visit new sisters.  Follow up with a sound reporting system.  Visiting Teaching is all about consistent love, concern, and service.