Hormones: You Gotta Love ‘Em

I haven’t ever talked about health before, but I am at the age where my body is giving out and I’m anxiously awaiting my “perfected” body. But it occurs to me, aren’t we commanded to take care of the body we have now? Boy, if that’s the case, I may be in trouble!

Our world is not good for our bodies. There are many pollutants in the air. The beauty business is a multi-billion dollar, through-the-roof corporation. And we are all either fatter and/or unhealthier than ever.

I’m not writing about this subject because I’m healthy unfortunately. Maybe I’m writing because I need a shot in the arm, or I know what should be done, and struggle along with everyone else trying to get it done.

For years I have wondered what sisters are doing about individual diets in their Relief Society dinners. Typically, the most luscious, chocolateliest, richest, decadent desserts are offered up, and slurped up, at our dinner parties. All, without any regard to the damage we are doing, to our bodies, let alone the disobedience to the Word of Wisdom we are performing.

Another consideration is healthy senior missionaries. We need older sisters to feel well enough to serve. Those aches and pains will make you not want to get out of bed every morning.

Still another concern is holding on to our marriages. Couples are getting distracted with boring marriages and greener pastures.

As I understand it, hormones are the cause for a lot of the problems we are dealing with. Hormones are a topic we don’t discuss very much, other than “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?” When our (and I mean ALL women) hormones are out of whack, it effects every aspect of our life including our joints, our head and memory, our wellbeing, our mood, you name it. I don’t mean to disrespect doctors, but there are many doctors who have never been trained in balancing a woman’s hormones. In fact, there are some doctors who will tell you that you are imagining things. When it comes to hormones there are certain tests that many doctors will not do to measure, and therefore, treat. I just wonder how our pioneer sisters endured with their hormones, or lack thereof.

Stress is a hormone killer, and we have to deal with that in mega-loads. Pesticides alter our hormones. Incorrect eating habits and lack of exercise, not enough sleep, improper breathing and meditating; even the people we associate with can affect our hormones.

We all experience symptoms, but often ignore them. Did you know that working on the computer, right before bedtime, can make it difficult to fall asleep? Auto-immune problems can be caused by hormone imbalance. Stress will give you Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and it takes years to recover from complete adrenal fatigue. But recovery is entirely possible, if we can find a doctor who will test properly all of the levels of our hormones and balance us with vitamins, supplements, and proper medication. And we need doctors who are going to give us hope, rather than tell us we are crazy.

I heard a doctor address this subject and was impressed with all of the feelings and symptoms she seemed to be identifying in me. I have ignored my hormone imbalance for a number of years, and sadly many doctors have told me I’m crazy, depressed, or just fine, when I know that it’s just my hormones. Surely, I can’t be the only one…

This website is based in Oregon, but it may be a place to begin your search for answers: Dr. Nisha Jackson at www.justasknish.com is a doctor who specializes on this subject. She has a radio show and a website where you can ask questions. There aren’t very many doctors out there, but hopefully you will be able to find a doctor near you who will hear you and be able to help you. Be warned that your insurance won’t help you out. You will need to weigh your circumstances carefully, but please stop neglecting your health and get your body back in balance so that you can feel good, serve a senior mission, and stay happily married, or just be happy.