The Church is Called by It’s Name

I find it refreshing to watch as the church makes adjustments to help its membership stay the course. At least, that’s how I see it. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’m the one who needs course correction. I’m the one who needs to move with the church and adapt my thinking to the bigger picture.

President Gordon B. Hinckley speaks, in October 1990, about the term “Mormon.” He acknowledges that this is the name non-members recognize our church as. It’s a good name. At least the church is being recognized, even if it is by this name. It’s acceptable at this time.

During the conference just before this talk was given, “Elder” Russell M. Nelson gave a talk entitled, “Thus Shall My Church Be Called,” which Pres. Hinckley referred to. Maybe Pres. Hinckley wanted to correct church membership’s habit of using the “Mormon” label, but the Lord said to wait, I have bigger plans where I’ll use Elder Nelson at a later date.

Adjustments made in the church seem to confuse some people. Conversely, in some cases, they think the church doesn’t adjust enough, with the times for example.

But I testify that this is THE Church of Jesus Christ. He leads it. He prepares the direction of it. And His course is perfect. We are His followers. When we are given a course correction, it is to our benefit that we follow Him and His prophet at the time they ask it of us.

Just the other day, my husband received a cold call from a missionary from the Jehovah Witnesses. He mentioned to her that we were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And then added that we were Mormons. We could hear that she only recognized the second name. As she began her message, she asked if we believed Jesus Christ was coming and that these were the last days. My husband repeated again the full, and complete name of our church. We call ourselves “Latter-day Saints” because we are in the last days. She was so surprised she didn’t realize other churches believe as JWs do.

Being called Mormons is not bad. In fact, Pres. Hinckley reminded us that Mormon was a great prophet leader and it’s okay to think of it as “more good.” However, using our full name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will help people know us better. That we believe in Jesus Christ. That we are preparing for His Second Coming in these latter days. That this is His church. And that we look to Him in everything we do.