RS Activities-One Idea-Finances

Our Relief Society Enrichment program is a great program, because it gives us so much freedom.  Some of us like a little more structure but let me give you some ideas to create your own structure.   As my wise daughter said, “Allowing yourself to think outside the box allows the Lord to work through you.”
If sisters really want to impact lives, time needs to be spent on one topic, until it has become a part of you.  The beauty of this Relief Society program allows us to spend all the time we need to have fun as we learn and grow together.
Let’s be honest, not everyone is interested in straightening out their finances.  If two or more are really committed, they will want to get together and decide when they can meet.  With only your RS Pres.’s blessing (and she literally doesn’t need to do anything more, unless she wants to join your group), you can decide how you want to go about setting and achieving your goals.
Following are some ideas for a group to do if they were to focus on financial freedom.  (Keep in mind, any topic-with it’s own list of ideas-can be used with this same format in mind. You can plan a list in advance, or come up with any ideas as you go.  The important thing is to keep things fun, moving forward, adventurous, and challenging.  Push each other, stretch each other, accompany one another and you’ll see the benefits of your perseverance.
List of financial activities:
1)      Find out who, in your ward (or stake) have skills in finance.  Have them come and speak to your group, or act as your coach.  If they are professional, they may want to be paid for some services.  Don’t expect a free lunch from your friends, but don’t be afraid to ask for general (free) help either.
2)      Come up with various problem areas worthy of discussion and meet as a group to come up with solutions:  How to communicate with a spouse about money matters, How to set reasonable expectations in getting out of debt, How to look for and find deals, etc.
3)      Go DI shopping together.  Enjoy a fashion show or a display of what you found and repurposed for your own needs.
4)      Set goals.  When goals are achieved, celebrate together (new goal: how to have a party on little or no money).
5)       Share cheap and easy-prep meals, storage meals, garden meals.  Cook together or come ready to swap recipes and food.
6)      Set out for Walmart (or other) with only cash and a list.  See who can stay within their cash limit the best and still get everything they need.  (No fair going to the store the next day to get the rest.)
7)      Plan (know where the money is coming from) and organize an expedition to a case lot sale, fruit farm, dry pack cannery, and follow up on how you will use, can, and organize your product.
8)      Invite the Young Women, and even the Young Men, to learn what you are learning.
It would be helpful if the Relief Society leaders showed support for sisters working toward their various goals by allowing time on Sundays to give an update on successes, announce what sisters are doing with an open invitation to come whenever interested, and sharing in the enthusiasm of achievement.   My personal choice is if enough of these groups are going on in your ward, it would be truly motivating to take all of Fast Sunday lesson time and share accomplishments, ideas, plans, goals, etc. with all of the sisters.
Other topics for interesting groups:
·         Food/Emergency storage collectors
·         Gardening/Harvesting/Canning
·         Humanitarian
·         Reading to schoolchildren, hospital patients, the elderly
·         FHE ideas
·         Scripture study
·         Family History/Temple trips
·         Cooking/Freezer meals
I could go on, but you get the idea.  If you give sisters the chance, and the support, groups will form and come up with interesting and valuable topics and activities.  Groups may last one month, a few months, a year, or more.  The objective is to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself.  Remember, we are in the business of perfecting ourselves.   Just remember to keep it interesting, fun, and challenging.  Share the responsibility.  Invite anyone to come along.  Set goals.  Share the joy of accomplishment.