Is Your Relief Society A Safe Place?

Relief Society is the perfect place to practice on one another.  Assuming we all feel love for each other, there should be safety and security within our folds.

If one sister has a weakness, is it not appropriate to strengthen her until she has overcome?  If one sister is shy and doubtful, is it not appropriate to hold her hand and show an increase of love?  If there is shame, shouldn’t we encourage, smile and invite?

There are those who would comment negatively, even laugh, at a sister.  A sister was getting on in years and couldn’t play the piano as well as she used to.  Someone complained.  It hurt her feelings when the truth of her release was revealed.  Another sister had never taught before and struggled with confidence.  Someone complained.  She was devastated when word got out, and word always gets out.

The overcoming of our weaknesses and the patient love we demonstrate to one another strengthens our sisterhood.  There is no place for criticism, gossip, or ignorance.

Here are happier stories. An older woman decided to take up the piano.  It was arranged for her to play the prelude music in Relief Society.  She nervously played her piece, having to start over once when she got lost.  At the conclusion, tears brimmed and clapping rang through the room.

An inactive boy was invited to church, but only had coveralls to wear.  The teacher arranged for all the boys in the class, himself included, to wear their coveralls to church, so the boy wouldn’t feel embarrassed.  (My most favorite story, ever.)

Sisters, we need to reach out with Godly love, not worldly impatience.